Montag, 28. April 2008

Create an Ajax-based IM client

The ability to instant message (IM) co-workers and friends is a great convenience, but some environments prohibit the use of instant messaging clients in the workplace due to security concerns. The exercise in this tutorial resolves any security concerns by showing you how to use Ajax to create a Web-based IM client that turns IM traffic into plain Web traffic by creating an instant messaging "bot" and a corresponding Web application. While it's not a production application, it demonstrates several nifty Ajax techniques, such as how to use Prototype to do easier DOM manipulation and how to easily update sections of a Web page, either once or repeatedly.

Jenabean: Easily bind JavaBeans to RDF

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) proposed standard for linking and expressing data on the Web.
Java developers who develop applications for the Semantic Web will need to convert RDF properties to or from Java types. Jenabean uses the Jena Semantic Web framework's flexible RDF/OWL API to persist JavaBeans, making the task of writing these applications easier and more familiar to Java developers.

Schema-aware processing with XSLT 2.0

With the release of version 2.0, XSLT now allows you to design your stylesheets to
be schema-aware. A schema-aware XSLT system offers many benefits, including the
ability to validate input trees prior to the XSLT transformation to ensure that the
XSLT stylesheet only processes valid input, as well as the ability to validate output trees to ensure that the XSLT transformation is producing the valid XML output. You are also able to specify data types for variables, for input parameters for user-defined functions and templates, and for return values from the functions. In this article, learn more about the concept of schema-aware facilities and follow some examples that illustrate the benefits.

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008

Inheriting Web sites: Getting a Web site to a maintainable state

In a perfect world, you'd create every Web site you
were ever assigned to maintain, improve, and redesign. Unfortunately, in
the real world, you're often forced to take on a site someone else
designed or constructed.

Inheriting Web sites: Getting a Web site to a maintainable state

In a perfect world, you'd create every Web site you
were ever assigned to maintain, improve, and redesign. Unfortunately, in
the real world, you're often forced to take on a site someone else
designed or constructed.

Inheriting Web sites: Getting a Web site to a maintainable state

In a perfect world, you'd create every Web site you
were ever assigned to maintain, improve, and redesign. Unfortunately, in
the real world, you're often forced to take on a site someone else
designed or constructed.

Inheriting Web sites: Getting a Web site to a maintainable state

In a perfect world, you'd create every Web site you
were ever assigned to maintain, improve, and redesign. Unfortunately, in
the real world, you're often forced to take on a site someone else
designed or constructed.